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Webinar–Learn What is Happening with NIA Grants and Funding

Time: June 9, 2011 from 2pm to 3pm
Location: On line (see registration link)
Website or Map:…
Event Type: webinar
Organized By: Gerontological Society of America

On June 9 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (EST), Dr. Richard Hodes, NIA Director, will discuss federal budget constraints and their impact on NIA, strategies his agency is employing to address them, and a look to the future. In particular, Dr. Hodes will address the Institute’s tight payline–an issue of great concern to the research community.

Participation in the webinar is limited to the first 120 registrants.  Follow the below link to register.

Questions should be sent to [email protected] by Friday, June 3, 2011, with “GSA Webinar” in the subject line. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to submit questions through a moderator during the webinar. Every effort will be made to answer all questions, time permitting.

Dr. Hodes’ presentation and the questions and answers will be posted on the GSA home page ( after the event.

Annual Friends of NIA Meeting with Dr. Richard Hodes

Time: February 25, 2011 from 3:30pm to 5pm
Location: Alliance for Aging Research conference room
Street: 750 17th Street, NW, Suite 1100 (11th Floor)
City/Town: Washington, DC
Event Type: annual, meeting:, friends, of, nia
Organized By: RSVP to Mary Jo Hoeksema at [email protected]

VIEW DR. HODES SLIDES HERE: file_Hodes2011Budget (1).

On Friday, February 25, the Friends of the National Institute on Aging (NIA) will have its annual budget and scientific update from NIA Director, Dr. Richard Hodes. The meeting will be from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Coalition members will then meet from 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. to discuss upcoming plans.

The meeting is being hosted by the Alliance for Aging Research in its conference room located at: 750 17th Street, NW, Suite 1100 (11th Floor), Washington, DC.

If you can attend, please RSVP to the Chair of the Friends of NIA, Ms. Mary Jo Hoeksema, at [email protected] by Tuesday, February 22.

Thank you and look forward to seeing you on the 25th.

Mary Jo Hoeksema
2011/2012 Chair, Friends of the National Institute on Aging
[email protected]

Sign On Today: FY2012 NIA Budget Letter

Posted by Kimberly Acquaviva, PhD, MSW on September 17, 2010 at 2:51pm

Dear Friends of the National Institute on Aging (FoNIA) Member,

In collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America and the Alliance for Aging Research, representatives from the Friends of the National Institute on Aging plan to meet with staff at OMB later this month regarding FY2012 funding for the NIA. This year we decided that moving forward with a strong and unified “ask” would be beneficial to our collective efforts, especially if our coalitions – and the individual organizations comprising them – sign on to a letter to President Obama communicating the rationale for the ask. With an estimated payline of just 8% for NIA grants in 2010, it’s time for all of our organizations to stand together to ask for a more robust investment in the NIA and the cutting-edge research it supports.

If your organization would like more information about the letter and how to sign on, please email me at [email protected] before COB Friday, September 24th. Your support is essential to making this effort a success.

Best regards,
Kimberly D. Acquaviva, Ph.D., M.S.W.
Chair, Friends of the National Institute on Aging
Director, The National Collaborative on Aging
Assistant Professor, The George Washington University School of Nursing
phone: 202-994-7735
email: [email protected]
[email protected]