What is Friends of the National Institute on Aging (FoNIA)?

The FoNIA is a broad coalition of organizations committed to the advancement of health sciences research that could affect millions of older Americans. FoNIA supports the research and training missions of the National Institute on Aging and serves as a bridge between the NIA and supportive organizations and groups in order to promote and advocate for the NIA and its initiatives as public policies in health and research take shape. By bringing together like-minded organizations to support the federal government’s leading aging research institute, FoNIA addresses current and future challenges in advancing public awareness and acceptance of research goals.

FoNIA activities include:

  • Advocating on behalf of the NIA through the annual congressional budget and appropriations process.
  • Promoting NIA research activities by sponsoring briefings for congressional staff
  • Developing fact sheets and educational mailings to members of Congress and staff
  • Increasing public awareness about NIA’s work and the impact it has on the lives of each and every one of us

What is the National Institute on Aging (NIA)?

NIA, one of the 27 Institutes and Centers of NIH, leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life.


NIA’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of older Americans through research, and specifically, to:

  • Support and conduct high-quality research on aging processes, age-related diseases, and special problems and needs of the aged
  • Train and develop highly skilled research scientists from all population groups
  • Develop and maintain state-of-the-art resources to accelerate research progress
  • Disseminate information and communicate with the public and interested groups on health and research advances and on new directions for research.

Learn More About the NIA