Briefing: Potential Impacts of CER on Patient Access


Time: November 3, 2010 from 3:30pm to 5pm
Location: Reserve Officer Association
Street: One Constitution Avenue, NE
City/Town: Washington, DC
Website or Map: http://us1.campaign-archive.c…
Phone: RSVP: Dina Beaumont [email protected] (202) 530-4672
Event Type: briefing
Organized By: Alliance for Aging Research

Global head-to-head trials for wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) are currently underway and raising the issue of how their results will impact innovation and patient access.  This briefing will educate and inform stakeholders, advocates, and thought leaders on what needs to be done to ensure that CER reduces health care costs without compromising quality of care. Topics to be covered include:

  • The wAMD Trials and Impact of w/AMD
    • Daniel Perry, Alliance for Aging Research
  • The Aging Population and Importance Patient Access
    • Barbara McLaughlan, AMDAI/RNIB – Presentation
    • Andrea Densham, Prevent Blindness America – Presentation
  • Effects on Global Policy
  • The Role of Stakeholders
    • Chris Henshall, HTAi
  • The Economics of Cost-Effectiveness

  Watch Video of the Event: