Posted by Kimberly Acquaviva, PhD, MSW on May 19, 2010 at 3:30pm
Save the Date: You are invited to an Expert Discussion on the Effect of the Economic Downturn on American Families
July 12 (B-340 Rayburn) – TIME TBA
The current economic downturn has touched almost every American family. High unemployment, depleted college savings accounts and decimated retirement plans are just a few of the problems that have left a large proportion of our population in a precarious financial situation. Policy makers need to understand the cradle-to-grave impact the downturn has had in order to develop policies and ensure the social safety net is wide enough to protect the most vulnerable populations. On Friday, February 5, The Population Association of America is bringing a panel of distinguished, nationally known researchers to Washington DC to sponsor a discussion on the impact the recent financial downturn has had on American families including:
• Children of unemployed or underemployed parents
• Young adults transitioning to higher education or the workforce
• The aging and elderly
We hope you can join us for this important event.
RSVP information will be forthcoming.