On the InsideNIA Blog, Dr. Todd Haim, Chief of the Office of Small Business Research (OSBR), discussed NIA’s efforts to expand opportunities in entrepreneurship for everyone. The NIA OBSR provides more than $100 million in set-aside funds to help entrepreneurs bring innovations in healthy aging to market through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. At present, the OBSR team is working to diversify the pool of NIA-supported entrepreneurs to include greater percentages of women and racial/ethnic minorities among SBIR/STTR awardees. To assist with this effort, NIA relies upon the NIH Application Assistance Program (AAP), which helps new or previously unsuccessful SBIR/STTR candidates with the grant application process. OBSR is currently seeking applicants for its second and third AAP cohorts. Applications for the second cohort must be received by April 6th, 2020, and applications for the third cohort must be received by September 6th, 2020. Please see OBSR’s SBIR/STTR factsheet for more information, including eligibility criteria.