Posted by Kimberly Acquaviva, PhD, MSW on November 10, 2009 at 3:56am
The following is a message received from the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research:
“Please find attached a letter drafted by the Ad Hoc Group steering committee that thanks the administration for the NIH funds in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and urges that NIH be a significant priority in the FY 2011 budget. To sign on to the letter, please contact Hayzell Gollopp at [email protected] by NOON on Friday, Nov. 20. We encourage you to circulate this letter to other organizations that may be interested in signing.
Also, please look out in the coming days for an action alert to activate your grassroots networks in anticipation of the FY 2011 budget process. During the week of Nov. 16, Ad Hoc Group organizations will be asked to encourage their memberships to thank the President for the NIH funds in the Recovery Act and urge him to make NIH a major priority in the FY 2011 budget. Materials and more information coming soon!
We hope you will join us in maximizing this opportunity to highlight the needs of the medical research community at this key point in the budget process.”